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Image by Jené Stephaniuk

Become a Member or Renew Your Membership Here

Benefits of Membership


Yes, you could just drop in and see what’s happening. We do allow one free “visit” before becoming a member. But if you don’t join for the nominal fee of $30* per year to support our activities, here is what you would be missing:


  • Discounted jurying fees for all guild exhibits

  • Networking opportunities with other talented artists

  • Website visibility via your own artist page with links

  • Increased exposure in the community with other arts groups

  • Opportunities to collaborate with DCA (Downtown Camas Association) on projects such as a potential mural collaboration

  • Informal mentorship relationships (both getting mentored and serving as a mentor to others)

  • Access to educational opportunities to increase your skills and range as an artist via classes, demonstrations, and workshops

  • Opportunities to participate in group events (shows & projects)


*We have a special $45 fee for all members of one household.


Charter Members


Charter members are defined as those who joined AGC in Calendar Yr. 2022. We acknowledge and thank all of our charter members for their willingness to step up and help make this organization a viable reality.


Membership Expectations


  • AGC members are encouraged to attend the majority of monthly meetings. Any member may request a temporary leave of absence. Please advise a member of the Executive Comm. For this so we can have an accurate number for quorum/voting purposes

  • AGC members are encouraged to actively serve on committees, volunteer as officers, and work at shows

  • AGC members are encouraged to share and promote each other's art on social media and as needed

  • Membership dues are renewed annually and are paid to the Treasurer via the website or at a meeting.  Funds may be used to obtain meeting space, for publicity purposes and other purposes as the  Executive Committee might deem necessary

  • This is YOUR organization. If you see the need for changes or opportunities to improve, let us know.


Questions? Please reach out on our contact form.

Become an AGC Member Today!
Or Renew Your Membership!

The annual Individual membership fee is $30 and is open to all skill levels, all mediums, and those who live in the Camas proper or neighboring communities.  Membership is for the calendar year. Please use this form to renew your membership as well. 


Be sure to include your social media links and website address so we can add you to our membership list gallery.

What is your relationship to art or cratsmenship?
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Would you like to get involved? No experience necessary!
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